Landice News

Meditation in Motion

September 28, 2018

Meditation in Motion

Watching the slow, precise and deliberate movements of Tai Chi, it may be hard to believe that these exercises will make you stronger. But, it actually does, both physically and mentally.

This ancient martial art can be learned by anyone at any age. Here are some of the benefits you can realize by performing these exercises:

  • Low-impact
  • Relaxing due to its deep breathing exercise, but won't leave you breathless and sweaty
  • No undue stress on muscles and bones so little to no chance of pain or injury
  • No special equipment or outfits necessary
  • Low-cost activity that can be done anywhere at anytime
  • Results can be achieved rather quickly by practicing as little as an hour twice a week

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Tai Chi combines the benefits from physical therapy, balancing, yoga, stretching or resistance training. Balancing is a big plus for those prone to falls, which is a major cause for injury in older adults.  In addition, Tai Chi is an exercise system that integrates self-defense physical movements with mindfulness techniques including relaxation of the mind, and so may be particularly fruitful for reducing or preventing stress, according to a recent New Zealand study.

Learning Tai Chi from a qualified instructor is critical. The Complementary and Alternative Medicine center cautions that trying to learn it from a book or video is no guarantee that you will be able to perform the moves safely and correctly. Reliable sources of instructors include Y.M.C.A.’s and Y.W.C.A.’s, and well-run commercial gyms.