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4 Things You Can Do Easily To Keep Your Resolutions

January 16, 2019

4 Things You Can Do Easily To Keep Your Resolutions

How are your New Year's resolutions coming along? Yes, it's only the second week of 2019, but maybe some of those lofty goals that you made on New Year's Eve are starting to feel a bit onerous?

The good news is you're not alone when it comes to keeping a goal. In fact, by February, 80% of you will have stopped trying altogether. Research conducted by Strava, the social network for athletes, has discovered that Jan. 12, is the fateful day to the end of New Year’s resolutions. 

The better news is that it doesn't have to be that way. Figuring how to maintain a routine is typically the key to doing something for the long run. 

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Excuses do abound, like -- I can't find the time, It's easier to stick to what I used to do, I'm not seeing any results, Why am I doing this anyway? -- and these are heard just a few weeks in to the year.

Take a deep breath and think about these 4 tips that can keep you moving forward, feeling less guilty, and actually achieving your goals.

1) AdmiT You Need Help

People who say, ‘I can do it on my own – I know what to do,’ are more likely to fail than those who say, ‘I need support'. Don't get discouraged because you're not sure how to reach your goal. The more education you get, the better your plan, the more clear your goals, then the more likely you are to succeed. Think about joining that scheduled group class or hiring that personal trainer who will push you and teach you what to do.

2) Start Small

Take baby steps. This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. Many people set goals and have unrealistic expectations. Because of this, many people become frustrated and give up when they don’t see early results. Setting incremental steps for change is critical. Start slowly, be successful and move on. 


3) Make It An Everyday Routine

Many resolutions fail in the long run because people don’t maintain their efforts after some initial results are seen. Make a permanent change in your lifestyle to see permanent changes. Recent research led by a team at the University College London think they have uncovered just how long (on average) it takes for something to become habitual. They believe it takes an average of 66 days to create a habit.

4) Record The Work

Keeping track of your progress is helpful because it lets you know how far you’ve come. Keeping track shows that your hard work has been paying off and it also helps you measure yourself against yourself instead of others, which offsets unrealistic personal expectations. Personal fitness devices have built-in tracking and record-keeping. And many high-end fitness machines can help you track workouts over time.

By finding your fitness pace, you can reach consistency. Trying to do too much, too soon usually leads to burnout. Don't be afraid to fail. We all do since we're human. But, pick yourself up and keep moving forward whether it just means you walk one day and run another. We're doing all this for the long haul. Best wishes to you in 2019!