Landice News

Home For The Holidays

December 28, 2017

Home For The Holidays

There's no place like home during the holiday season -- or anytime for that matter. Home conjures up many memories and feelings and is much more than just a structure. It provides the warmth and belonging many of us yearn for and during this time of year it provides an important emotional connection.

Our physical surroundings play an important role in creating meaning and organization in our lives; much of how we view our lives and what we have become depends on where we've lived, and the experiences we've had there.

Environmental psychologists have long understood that the word "home" clearly connotes more than just a house. It encompasses people, places, objects and memories.

So what or where, exactly, do people consider "home"?

A 2008 Pew study asked people to identify "the place in your heart you consider to be home." Twenty-six percent reported that home was where they were born or raised; only 22 percent said that it was where they currently lived. Eighteen percent identified home as the place that they had lived the longest, and 15 percent felt that it was where most of their extended family had come from.

But if you look at different cultures across time, a common thread emerges.

No matter where they come from, people tend to think about home as a central place that represents order, a counterbalance to the chaos that exists elsewhere. This might explain why, when asked to draw a picture of "where you live," children and adolescents around the world invariably place their house in the center of the sheet of paper. In short, it's what everything else revolves around.

At Landice, we've always recognized the value of home experiences. This is why we have built the best residential treadmills, bikes and ellipticals so you can have your very own home gym experience. Why not train in the place that you find the most comfortable?

And as a family business, we have always understood the tremendous combination that home and family can bring. So, for this holiday season, from our family to yours, we wish you happiness, health and peace. As always, we're here to help you reach your fitness goals in 2018 and beyond!

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