Landice News

Hidden Germs At the Gym

January 19, 2018

Hidden Germs At the Gym

With New Year's resolutions in place, many of us have gone down to our local gym in order to lose that weight and gain that trim body we want. But, did you know, you could be getting a lot more things than fitness at your favorite gym? 

With flu season in full swing, germs are quite prevalent. With multiple users on multiple machines, germs can find a comfortable home on many of the popular pieces of fitness equipment we use at a gym.  From mats and free weights to ellipticals and treadmills, bacteria from each person prior to you is most likely left on the surface.

In fact, a recent NBC Today Show expose showed swab samples taken from the control panel of a treadmill, the most popular machine at the gym, had a bacteria level of over 2,000! Anything over 100 is considered a fail. If you rub your eyes, wipe your nose or scratch your mouth, you just gave those germs an entry point to your body.

What can you do? 

  • Wipe It Down: In case the person before you didn't do it, wipe down the equipment prior to use and, of course, after with an antibacterial wipe or spray
  • Wash Your Hands: This is added protection and vital, especially during flu season. Wash your hands prior to use and after as well with soap and warm water.
  • Bring Your Own Mat: Portable mats that you can rest on the ground ensure that germs you get are mainly your own. And, make sure these rubber mats also get a little antibacterial spritz.
  • Work from Home: You can stop worrying about waiting for your favorite machine when it's sitting right there in your very own home gym. Bikes, ellipticals and treadmills are the most popular home gym equipment and having one in your home lets you know whose germs are whose. 

Staying healthy takes a little bit more care and caution of where you put your hands this season. In the meantime, check out some Landice equipment and what customers have said about it.