When starting your workout session, you may feel tempted to skip warm ups, especially if you're short on time. Sadly, doing so increases your risk of injury, putting more strain on your muscles.
Stretching should be an integral part of your home workout program as it increases flexibility, one of the crucial components of fitness. Stretching boosts your body in multiple ways. We've highlighted the top reasons to incorporate it into your regular training regime; read on!
According to the American College of Sports Medicine, stretching is a good idea. The ACSM recommends stretching each major muscle group for 60 seconds at least two times a week per exercise. Regular stretching keeps the hips and hamstrings flexible later in life, not just before exercise.
Various fitness experts recommend stretching exercises for the best results during a workout. A few examples include the following:
Another name for the exercise is the "Standing Cat-Camel" and it includes the following:
Start by marching on the spot and then marching forward and backward. Pump your arms up and down in sync with your feet for the most impact. The elbows should stay bent and the fists soft.
You should aim at 30 knee lifts in 30 seconds with this stretching exercise. To perform knee lifts, stand tall and lift the right knee to touch the left hand. Bring the knee down and lift the left knee to touch the right hand. Repeat these lifts as you alternate the knees, keeping your back straight and the abs straight. Let the supporting leg maintain a slight bend.
The ideal warm up exercise is 60 heel digs in 60 seconds. To complete the exercise, place alternate heels in front of you, keeping the foot in front pointing up. Punch out with each heel dig, maintaining a slight bend in the supporting leg.
It's also essential to stretch the upper part of your body, and shoulder rolls are ideal for this effect. As you march on the spot, roll your shoulders forward five times and backward the same number of times. Let your arms hang loosely by the sides.
Warming up and stretching exercises may seem like a waste of time when you're eager to get started in your workout session. Still, you must remember all the benefits that stretching provides. For more fitness tips at home or in the gym, Landice has all the information you need. Connect with us through our blog for more guidelines.